Is your job making you sick?
This time of year, it is virtually impossible to avoid catching a cold or getting the flu. With a coworker sneezing on your right and another coughing on your left, you basically have to resign yourself to the inevitability of shared germs. However, flu season may not be the only reason your job is making you sick. All year long, there are elements to your job or workplace that could be adversely affecting your health. Here is a list of some of the top health concerns office employees face on a regular basis.
Your Desk Set up is Causing Back Pain
Solution: Keep all your joints at 90 degrees at your desk. Position your computer so that you can sit upright in your chair and look straight-ahead — you want your eyes to be level with about the top third of your monitor. And don’t forget to incorporate more movement into your day whenever possible.
Your Lack of Control is Making you Depressed
Solution: Seek professional help if necessary. Quite often employee benefit plans cover psychological treatment, so make use of this option if you have it. Otherwise, reach out to a friend or family member to open up about what’s going on.
Your office kitchen is giving you a cold
Solution: Wash your hands diligently before and after handling items such as the coffee machine or common use cutlery. Also, clean your desk regularly and thoroughly to avoid the spread of germs.
Looming deadlines are making you stressed
Solution: Find de-stressing techniques that work for you. It is preferable if they can be incorporated throughout the day. Try a yoga class at lunch or chatting with a good friend during a coffee break.
Your Around-the-clock availability is killing your sleep
Solution: Start winding down an hour before bed time by taking a calm bath or reading a good book. As well, leave computers and phones out of the bedroom to keep your mind from wandering towards work.
Your computer is hurting your eyes
Solution: Schedule more breaks throughout the day. Try the 20/20/20 rule – every 20 minutes look 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. In addition, try to make evenings and weekends as screen-free as possible to give your eyes plenty of rest.
Julia Janicki / WCB Administration / PEO Canada