1. Provide first aid
Ensure injured workers receive immediate first aid in accordance
with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation.
2. Provide transportation to medical treatment
Provide and pay the cost of transportation from the injury site to an appropriate
medical treatment facility, if needed.
3. Keep a record
Record details of the injury / illness, even if first aid is not administered, and give a copy to the worker.
WCB and OHS Regulations require records be kept confidential and for a minimum of three years.
You must record:
• Name of the worker
• Date and time of the injury / illness
• Date and time it was reported to you
• Description of the injury / illness, where it occurred and the cause
• First aid provided, including name and qualifications of the person giving first aid
4. Report to WCB/OHS
Immediately report fatalities and serious injuries to the OHS Contact Centre at 1-866-415-8690.
Report to WCB within 72 hours if the injury / illness results in or will likely result in:
• Lost time or the need to temporarily or permanently modify work beyond the date of accident.
• Death or permanent disability (amputation, hearing loss, etc.).
• A disabling or potentially disabling condition caused by occupational exposure or activity (poisoning,
infection, respiratory disease, dermatitis, etc.).
• The need for medical treatment beyond first aid (assessment by a physician, chiropractor, physiotherapist).
• Medical aid expenses (dental treatment, eyeglass repair/replacement, prescription medications, etc.).
5. Pay full wages for the date of accident
You are required to pay injured workers the full wages they
would have received if not injured. You cannot deduct those wages from their sick pay or other entitlement.
6. Advise WCB of return to work
Notify WCB within 24 hours of your worker’s return to work following lost time
beyond the date of accident.
Lisa Rowney / WCB Specialist / PEO Canada