Psychological Health at Work

October was Healthy Workplace Month. So much information is now available for us to utilize and better understand what affects us all in the workplace.

Benefits Canada has put a great compilation of articles together. Please see the link below for some very interesting reading:

Pfizer has an article relating to “The Work Style Pendulum” that can help determine your work style under stress. They also have other stress related articles that may help and offer solutions.

Ipsos Reid just recently concluded a study that may surprise you with the findings.
They conducted a study of Psychological Health and Safety Concerns in the workplace.
More people feel physically safe in the workplace as compared to psychologically safe.

As an employer, how you deal with the reality of stress and psychological health of your employees could be the difference between maintaining a dynamic and prosperous company and one that suffers with high turnover rates and absenteeism issues.

A great websites set up to handle many questions and offer ideas and strategies:

Dawne Helischauer / Senior Benefit Specialist / Peo Canada

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