With Summer’s end fast approaching, a lot of us tend to wind down our get healthy, outdoor activities, and start getting ready for the new fall lineup on TV.
Even though the days are getting shorter, there are still a lot of outdoor activities that we can take advantage of. From going for a run at lunch along one of the river pathways, or for a bike ride around the neighborhood, we can still put in that little bit of effort to maintain some sort of outdoor physical activity.
You can visit the City of Calgary website www.calgary.ca to check out what kind of outdoor classes you can still register for…like an Adventure Boot camp! Or just Google to see what else is available in and around the city. If the outdoors isn’t your thing, don’t forget about all those fun indoor classes that you can join like Zumba or Yoga!
Enjoy the rest of your Summer! :o)
Clare Martin PEO Canada