So we have all “been there”, a prospective client that can really use your assistance but they are unwilling to go through the process you require as their Sales Rep.
It’s important to realize that a prospect’s opposition to the process doesn’t reflect badly on how they will be as a client. For whatever reason, their interest in your sales process has waned. The majority of the time, their attention, is being pulled elsewhere within their organization. It’s important to keep your prospect’s attention to the future by reviewing again how you can support their current need and then bring them slowly back to the next stage of your sales process. Then it is important to change your approach so your prospect will be willing to reengage. Another tip is to reach out to a secondary contact if possible. Reach out and re-connect, maybe have some information you have found that will help them on their endeavours. This may be the way to get the sales process moving forward again.
At the end of the day, your organization has a process in place for a reason. Instead of coming off as pushy, show respect and dignity. Remind them that you are here to support and why they need you. You can reach out to the prospect again in a few months’ time; it may be a more appropriate time for your prospect to review your service or product again.
Christina Ramalho / Business Development Consultant / PEO Canada