Workers’ Compensation is a no-fault insurance program that provides employees with medical and financial benefits if they are injured at work, regardless of whether their own negligence contributed to the accident. In return for these benefits, workers give up the right to take legal action against their employers and other workers for work-related injuries and illnesses.
WCB operates like any insurance company by pooling risk. Employers share the cost of compensating injured workers so individual employers do not have to bear the full cost of claims alone.
Employers are responsible to pay 100% of the cost of the workers’ compensation system. The amount and cost of coverage provided are based on the workers’ insurable earnings, up to a maximum amount set by each province. Most employers are required by law to have workers’ compensation insurance for all their workers, including:
- Full-time employees
- Temporary or casual employees (including foreign workers)
- Part-time employees
- Volunteers or unpaid workers
- Contract workers (unless they are covered by another employer’s workers’ compensation insurance)
- Subcontractors who are considered by WCB to be your workers
Who’s Responsibility is it?
WCB’s responsibility: To provide high quality service and fair compensation to both employers and injured workers. Employers, workers and health care providers also have responsibilities in helping the system to work effectively.
Employer’s responsibility: To maintain the WCB account and pay premiums; to work with employees to prevent injuries and illness; to report injuries and help injured workers return to work; and to inform all workers about the coverage they have and benefits to which they are entitled under workers’ compensation coverage.
Injured worker’s responsibility: To maintain regular contact with their employer, WCB and their health care provider to help coordinate their return to work.
Health care provider’s responsibility: To work with employers, injured workers, other health care providers and WCB to assist in recovery and return-to-work planning.