With the ever increasing competition in the workforce marketplace, employer’s find themselves having to stretch to attract and retain great people. Traditionally, small to mid-size businesses haven’t offered a full benefits and RRSP plan to their employees due to the cost involved, but more and more companies are recognizing the need to offer these programs to be able to hire and maintain great people.
With 97.8% of all businesses registered in Canada having less than 50 employees, and 75% of those having less than 5 employees, there is an extremely large portion of the Canadian workforce finding themselves without a benefit or retirement plan. With increasing population and the sheer numbers of those approaching retirement, this has become a decision making for those seeking new employment.
Here’ an interesting article from the Financial Post that shares an insight into the struggles of a small business and the steps they have taken to ensure quality offerings for their employee’s workplace.
Jeffery Reynolds / District Sales Manager / PEO Canada