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Mental Health – Just as important as Physical Health

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
Are you ready to celebrate Mental Health Week: May 7-13, 2012? There are many reasons why mental illness occurs, and it is much more common than you may realize. Mental health problems affect Canadians of all ages, genders, cultures, education and income levels. Studies indicate that in any given year, one in every five Canadian adults under age 65 will have a mental health problem. It is likely that mental illness will indirectly touch every Canadian at some time because a family member, friend or colleague experiences mental illness. Most of these individuals say that the stigma associated with mental illness is worse than the actual symptoms itself....

Federal Budget 2012 Tax Treatment of Employer Paid Premiums for Critical Illness and AD&D

Benefits, Business, Health and Wellness, Payroll
The recent federal budget, announced March 29th, 2012, has implications that will likely impact you as an employer: Employer Paid Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) and Critical Illness Plans. Currently, the premium paid by the employer for AD&D and Critical Illness is a non-taxable benefit to the employee. Starting in 2013, the premium paid by the employer for these benefits will be taxable to the employee. This means that any premium paid on behalf of the employee for these benefits will need to be added to the employee’s T4 slip as income. Further, payroll systems will need to be updated to reflect the change in tax treatment. This...

Need the Flu shot?

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
The difference between influenza and the common cold. Here's the scoop: Both influenza and the common cold are viral respiratory infections (they affect the nose, throat, and lungs). Viruses are spread from person to person through airborne droplets that are sneezed out or coughed up by an infected person. In some cases, the viruses can be spread when a person touches an infected surface (e.g., doorknobs, countertops, telephones) and then touches his or her nose, mouth, or eyes. As such, these illnesses are most easily spread in crowded conditions such as schools. Influenza is commonly referred to as "the flu." From November to April each year, 5% to...

More CPP Changes – Effective January 1, 2012

Benefits, Business, Payroll
Earlier this month the Canada Revenue Agency issued this statement about a change to CPP and how it will apply to Wage Loss Replacement Plans (WLRP): “In December 2011, new CPP legislation clarified that all payments made from uninsured WLRPs are considered to be remuneration from pensionable employment. This legislation is retroactive to January 1, 2006. Employers who have not deducted CPP on uninsured WLRP payments in the past, whether those plans follow insurance principles or not, should start doing so effective January 1, 2012. Employers who deducted CPP on these WLRP will not be refunded those deductions. However, the Canada Revenue Agency will consider any request it...

There’s still Fun in the Winter Sun

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
For many of us, this time of year brings colder weather, and blankets our usual areas of play and exercise with soft white snow. This results in staying inside longer where it’s warmer, and less time outside exercising and staying healthy. (Not to mention all the extra yummy treats around the holidays!) But why choose to wait for the return of Spring and Summer to get outside again, when Winter brings new options to get out and stay active? Get out and build a snowman, or take the family to the toboggan hills! Below is a great article by Great West Life’s online Center for Health Information, providing...

Do you have S.A.D?

Benefits, Health and Wellness
Winter weather taking its toll on you? Are you feeling down and overwhelmed by the dismal weather? You are not alone and this is something that affects many people. You could be a victim of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Taking a vacation is a wonderful way to get away, but not everyone has the luxury of taking time off this season. There are several other ways to help deal with this such as just getting outside during daylight hours to take advantage of the sunshine hours and get some exercise outside. Here is a very interesting article on SAD and if you are affected and what you can...

October – Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month!

As per the statistics, over the last 15 years, Canadians are working longer hours and finding it hard to balance their work and personal lives. Workplaces have a huge impact on each individual’s health. From here, it was just a baby step for the employers to understand that the employees’ well – being at workplace is a real necessity not just a trend. More and more employers are determined to provide health and wellness coverage as a tool to attract, retain and engage their employees and also to build a safer and healthier work environment for them. Did you know? Absenteeism due to work-life conflict cost an estimated...

Down Time – Much needed!

Benefits, Health and Wellness
Easy ways to get real down time Taking a break from our daily routine is important for our well-being. But if you’re using time off work to catch up on chores, you’re probably returning to work as tired as you left. Here’s how to give yourself a real break — even if you only have a few hours. The whole point of taking a vacation is to relax, unwind, and enjoy the things that give us pleasure. In fact, the word “vacation” comes from a Latin word that means “idle” or “to have free time.” But with your hectic lifestyle, vacation time may seem like the only opportunity...

The Big Scary “C” word….Cancer!

Pink for breast cancer, blue for colon cancer, yellow for bladder cancer….The colors of our lives. Cancer has touched most of our lives in one way or another. If you are not a cancer patient, then you most likely know someone who is/has battled this disease. In any given week, approximately 3,340 Canadians are diagnosed with some form of cancer; 40% of Canadian women and 45% of men will develop cancer during their lifetimes. More than 76,200 Canadians died from the disease last year. The prevalence of Cancer Awareness in our society, the testing/detection available and the fund raising efforts keep this battle in the forefront of our...

10 ways you can save money on health care expenses

Health care costs are continuing to rise while governments, employers, insurers and you, the plan member, face real challenges in continuing to fund escalating costs. Here are few things that we can all do as health care consumers to help ensure the sustainability of our benefit plans regardless if they are funded publicly or privately. Always ask if generic alternatives are available to brand name drugs. If you are currently taking or will be prescribed a brand-name medication, inquire with your doctor about a generic alternative. Shop around for the lowest mark-up and dispensing fee on prescription drugs. This saves your plan money and lowers the amount you...