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Is Sitting the New Smoking?

Health and Wellness
Have you heard the saying – Sitting is the New Smoking? The phrase highlights the potential health risks associated with prolonged sitting and sedentary behavior. Similar to the risks associated with smoking, research suggests that spending too much time sitting down can have serious health consequences, including but not limited to: Increased risk of chronic diseases – Prolonged sitting has been linked to an increased risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer. Musculoskeletal issues – Sitting for long periods can lead to muscle imbalances, poor posture, and musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, neck pain, and shoulder tension. Reduced...

8 Tips to Keep Your Workers Safe

Benefits, Health and Wellness
As an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure that you keep your employees safe, and make necessary adjustments to keep them comfortable. According to information from Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), the following are 8 tips that can help keep your employees protected at all times; Plan for sick days – Ensure that you have a backup plan in place to cover daily responsibilities when an employee is taking a sick day. It is important to ensure your employees don’t feel obligated to come into work, and they’re encouraged to stay home. Check your HVAC system – Good indoor air quality is crucial for a healthy...

Discovering the Perks of Embracing Fresh Air

Health and Wellness
Spending time outdoors has countless benefits that go beyond simply enjoying fresh air and beautiful scenery. Let’s explore the physical, emotional and mental benefits of immersing yourself in the outdoors, and how it has the ability to positively impact your overall wellbeing. Whether you are a nature-enthusiast or simply need a few reasons to spend more time outdoors, we will highlight compelling reasons to embrace the fresh air. To start, spending time outdoors can help boost immune function, significantly lowering the chances of contracting any flu or virus. Microorganisms found in nature can help keep your body alert to prepare it for more serious infections. By living life...

Unlocking Success: The Power of Internal Relationship Marketing

Business, Health and Wellness, Human Resources
Relationship Marketing is all about cultivating lasting connections with your customers. Instead of chasing one-time sales, it’s about building trust and loyalty through exceptional experience and personalized service. Let’s dive into the importance of focusing on Relationship Marketing Internally, so we can continue to drive value for customers externally. Let’s explore the importance of treating your employees as internal customers. Your employees are the backbone of your organization, with that being said, here are some ways an employee can continue to succeed: Satisfaction: A happy team is your secret ingredient to success. Motivation: Inspired employees bring that extra sparkle to both your inside, and outside connections. Involvement: When...

Workplace Safety: Air Quality

Health and Wellness, WCB
Employers want to keep their employees happy and healthy at work. Regular risk assessments as well as safety tools and measures are a large part of this. When assessing the risks associated with a workplace, air quality may not make it to the top of the list, however it is a component of the environment that should not be overlooked.   Air quality can be a contributing factor to occupational illness that can result in temporary time loss or permanent disability for employees. Air quality becomes the employers responsibly if there is a risk of significant workplace exposure to harmful substances such as particulate, fumes, or pathogens. When...

Health and Safety: Employer’s Responsibilities

Health and Wellness, WCB
All employers have the responsibility to provide a healthy and safe place to work. Whether a business is small or large, employers are required by law to take all reasonable precautions to protect their workers from illness or injury. Employers should be aware of the Occupational Health & Safety legislation for each province they have employees working in. A key success to providing a safe work environment is preventing injuries from occurring in the first place. This can be achieved by establishing a health and safety program, providing training to employees to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs safely, having first aid certified...

Accruing and Using Vacation Time

Health and Wellness, Payroll
As summer is now in full swing, workers will now want to enjoy the warm weather. There are several factors one must plan when they are getting ready for their summer vacations. One of these facets is informing your employer of your upcoming time away from work and discussing how you wish to apply your vacation pay during this period. Employees in Canada receive certain amount of agreed upon paid time off each 12-month period. While this vacation can vary for each worker, it is legislated that every employee is entitled to vacation time off and at minimum two weeks of vacation pay. These two weeks of pay...

Maximizing Your Dental Benefits

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
Maintaining good oral hygiene is important for our overall health, which is why most employers make sure to include dental plans in their employee benefits packages. Even if you follow a diligent oral hygiene routine, it is always good to take advantage of your dental benefits to be certain there are no surprises. Your dental hygienist is a professional doctor that is looking out for your health and you should visit them just as often as you would your family doctor. It is highly recommended that adults visit their dentist regularly at least once a year, however some people may go sooner if their benefits plan allow them...

Worker Responsibilities for Claiming Through WCB

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice, WCB
If an employee is injured at work, there are responsibilities on both the employee and the employer when a claim is made through the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). It is important to note that all workers have a right to make a WCB claim if they are hurt at work and that it is against the law for an employer or supervisor to ask an employee not to report an injury. The first step is to inform your employer of your injury. Try to give as much detail as possible if you are able to immediately. In the event your treatment requires more than basic first aid, you...

Promoting Healthy Eating in the Workplace

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
March is Nutrition Month in Canada, which is a great reminder to employers to take a look at promoting healthy eating in the workplace. Food has a direct impact on performance and productivity, and healthy foods will provide energy and happiness to employees – which in turns makes them more engaged, creative, and effective during the day.  There are many different ways to engage and empower your workforce to explore healthy eating in their daily routines: Start by offering opportunities for employees to educate themselves on healthy eating practices. Catered lunch-and-learn sessions, inviting a nutritionist onsite for a workshop, or even posting nutrition information and resources in a...