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Tips for Coming Up with a Strong Password

The Importance of using strong passwords You are probably familiar with the importance of having strong passwords for your account. It is essential for keeping your information safe on the internet, and in the workplace. In a professional setting, to protect your company and their information, you will need to use a password that is long, strong, and difficult to guess while simultaneously being easy for you to recall. To accomplish this, consider crafting a password with a mix of numbers, both uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters, with a length of at least 10-12 characters. Avoid the use of personal information in your password With the...

LinkedIn Best Practices: Security

Account Security When it comes to your LinkedIn account, it is important to ensure you are following account security best practices. Tips to Follow: Use a strong password Like with all other accounts you use on the internet, your LinkedIn password should be strong. Try to keep your passwords as random and complex as possible. Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your account to add an extra layer of security. Only connect with individuals that you trust. Some LinkedIn users send scam phishing messages by using the LinkedIn chat system. Make a habit of reviewing your privacy settings. Adjust visibility settings, connections, and posts accordingly   Understanding the Risks...