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Maximizing Your Dental Benefits

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
Maintaining good oral hygiene is important for our overall health, which is why most employers make sure to include dental plans in their employee benefits packages. Even if you follow a diligent oral hygiene routine, it is always good to take advantage of your dental benefits to be certain there are no surprises. Your dental hygienist is a professional doctor that is looking out for your health and you should visit them just as often as you would your family doctor. It is highly recommended that adults visit their dentist regularly at least once a year, however some people may go sooner if their benefits plan allow them...

Worker Responsibilities for Claiming Through WCB

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice, WCB
If an employee is injured at work, there are responsibilities on both the employee and the employer when a claim is made through the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). It is important to note that all workers have a right to make a WCB claim if they are hurt at work and that it is against the law for an employer or supervisor to ask an employee not to report an injury. The first step is to inform your employer of your injury. Try to give as much detail as possible if you are able to immediately. In the event your treatment requires more than basic first aid, you...

Promoting Healthy Eating in the Workplace

Benefits, Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
March is Nutrition Month in Canada, which is a great reminder to employers to take a look at promoting healthy eating in the workplace. Food has a direct impact on performance and productivity, and healthy foods will provide energy and happiness to employees – which in turns makes them more engaged, creative, and effective during the day.  There are many different ways to engage and empower your workforce to explore healthy eating in their daily routines: Start by offering opportunities for employees to educate themselves on healthy eating practices. Catered lunch-and-learn sessions, inviting a nutritionist onsite for a workshop, or even posting nutrition information and resources in a...

Brush Up on Your Beneficiary

Benefits, Health and Wellness
Canadians may have life insurance, pensions, group retirement services, and other savings to help protect our loved ones in the event that something happens to us. But do you know who is listed as your current beneficiary on these policies? Many of us set the beneficiary designations when we initially enroll or sign up for retirement savings plans (RSP), group retirement services, and other programs, and then we tend to forget about them. We all encounter many changes throughout our lives and we need to be aware that these changes should be reflected in who we want as beneficiaries in the event something dire should happen. It is...

Feeling Festive – or Fatigued?

Benefits, Health and Wellness
As we ease into the holidays and things begin to slow down a bit, you may recognize that you’re not quite feeling yourself. Maybe you have a persistence headache, sore muscles, or just slowed reflexes. Or it could be that you are more irritable than usual, or les productive. Is it just the time of year, or could it be that fatigue has you feeling not so festive? Fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or weakness and can be physical, mental or a combination of both. This could be resulting from insufficient sleep, prolonged mental or physical work, or extended periods of stress or anxiety. Fatigue can...

Work-Life Balance in the “New Normal”

Health and Wellness
Its common these days to intermingle our work and personal lives, especially with COVID-19 shifting many of our office cubicles right into our own homes. Where there used to be a solid line of clocking out of one space and commuting back to the other now lies a blurred boundary that we must navigate as best as we can. Balance can seem impossible to achieve when our professional and personal lives are mixing so regularly, but its important to maintain some sense of harmony to ensure we’re taking care of our mental wellness. One of the biggest indicators that our work-life balance is out of sync is burnout....

Ergonomics in the Office

Health and Wellness
Ergonomically setting up a workstation should maximize a worker’s efficiency and safety, while reflecting the specific needs of each individual. No two people have the same body type, and just as clothing comes in different sizes to fit you best, you need to adjust your workstation so it best fits you. Performing repetitive tasks in an unnatural position can cause fatigue, back pain and repetitive stress injuries. However, a properly set up workstation can increase efficiency, productivity, and comfort. The most important item of your workstation is your chair. In order to ensure a comfortable ergonomic fit, stand in front of your chair and adjust the height so...

PEO Canada’s Commitment to Continuity of Services amid COVID-19

Health and Wellness
The World Health Organization (WHO) has now characterized the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic. This is not just a public health crisis but a serious situation that will touch every sector, business, and organization on both employment and financial levels. Following the recommendations of both the Federal and Provincial Governments, we have transitioned our employees to their remote work locations. PEO Canada has put policies in place to minimize interruptions to our business while we operate in our building, keeping the health and well-being of our staff a top priority. The continued commitment to our shared business continuity with minimal disruptions remains our ultimate goal.  To achieve...

National Day of Mourning (April 28th)

Health and Wellness
April 28th is recognized as the Day of Mourning and was established in 1984 by the Canadian Labour Congress. It is a day to remember those who have been killed or injured as a result of a work-related incident or occupational disease. It also serves as a reminder for workplaces to continue to support healthy and safe work practices throughout the year. This day is not only recognized across Canada, but in over 100 countries worldwide. Thousands of workers have suffered an illness, been injured, or even killed as a result of a work-related event. Due to these tragedies, many families and friends have been severely affected. This...

Effective Ways to Boost Employee Morale

Health and Wellness
Low morale can be a concern because it means that your workforce may not just be unhappy, but it also means employees are unlikely to be performing to their best capability. Some indications of low morale may include; low productivity, high turnover, and increased inter-personal conflicts. These are factors that could negatively affect highly skilled and engaged employees, which can be detrimental to the overall bottom-line of the organization. Even the most mundane of jobs can be appealing to people, if the systems and environment are set up to be inspiring. The highest levels of profitability and productivity come when there is high morale in the workplace.  High...