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Do Referrals Really Work?

  We all know how effective good referrals are…or do we? Encouraging people within your network to send referrals your way and making an effort to give good referrals can be difficult.   We likely do this on a regular basis more then we realize, but it is typically surrounding our personal lives and less in a business context. There are many B2B networks out there who's entire premise is referral based.   My first experience with a group like this left me walking away from the first meeting I went to thinking it was some sort of a cult!   Looking back I realize how effective these people actually were in driving...

Building Relationships and Networking

Networking is the key to success in business according to Keith Ferrazzi, business coach and author or Never Eat Alone, a book about the power of relationship building and networking. Networking helps you find jobs, recruit talent, win new customers and discover investors who will support your ideas. With the right approach, you can build lasting relationships. Here are some tips to become a master networker. Before – Make the most of the opportunity Do your homework  – If possible get your hands on the attendee list before the event and identify a handful of people who you want to meet. Look up their profiles on Google and LinkedIn and...

Growing Your Business – Without Growing Your Risk or Losing Focus

“When you are a startup, sometimes it can be like you are a 16-year-old that just got their driver’s license,” said Andrew Ward, Managing Director at Diversified Staffing. “You are passionate about your business, you want to be in full control of what is happening, and you want to go fast. Sometimes you might bump into things along the road, or you might get a speeding ticket. Hiring additional staff comes with risks, and if you haven’t hired someone before and managed all the aspects of employment that goes along with it, you might incur costs to your business that you never considered possible.” According to a study Intuit Canada...

Honesty in Business

I was part of a LinkedIn conversation about honesty just recently and there was a tremendous amount of differing opinions on integrity, honesty, and its place in business. I was really quite shocked with the amount of people who felt that non-disclosure of the facts was ok. As long as you did not out and out lie, it was ok. As well, it was interesting the comments regarding different cultures and the relationship of truth and business. Many felt that the end justified the means. As long as we come out ahead, it is ok. I can only speak for North American culture, but my experience is that...


On June 21st, 2012 the Government of Canada introduced a number of product and policy changes with regards to the Mortgage Insurance Guarantee Parameters but a recent survey suggests many people are unfamiliar with the changes. These changes have been put in place to encourage Canadian families to reduce debt and increase savings. Central Bank Governor Mark Carney has been warning for several years that some Canadians are getting in over their heads with debt, and that they could face problems once interest rates, which sit at historic lows start rising or if there is a second economic crisis. The tightening, announced by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty was...

Why is the profession for sales so hard?

Business, Sales
I know the title will be hard for many to relate to but - “sales” is hard. No... it is not a complex job. Certainly, as many will believe, there are times that some of the activities involved in sales can be enjoyable. Going to a “function” seems easier than working on some spreadsheet report where you cannot make the numbers work. Taking a client for lunch certainly must be more enjoyable than trudging your way your paper bag lunch at your desk. And most definitely participating in a business golf tournament is miles ahead on the fun factor than eight hours in the office. Maybe, but… Those...

Federal Budget 2012 Tax Treatment of Employer Paid Premiums for Critical Illness and AD&D

Benefits, Business, Health and Wellness, Payroll
The recent federal budget, announced March 29th, 2012, has implications that will likely impact you as an employer: Employer Paid Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) and Critical Illness Plans. Currently, the premium paid by the employer for AD&D and Critical Illness is a non-taxable benefit to the employee. Starting in 2013, the premium paid by the employer for these benefits will be taxable to the employee. This means that any premium paid on behalf of the employee for these benefits will need to be added to the employee’s T4 slip as income. Further, payroll systems will need to be updated to reflect the change in tax treatment. This...


Recently, Robin Sharma (a renowned leadership author and speaker), wrote a list about “remarkable entrepreneurs”. At some point, anyone who has an entrepreneurial spirit will relate to many of the items. This list is not just for the business owner, but for everyone who decides they want to be considered a leader in their organization. Some items will resonate more with you than others, but all have value and will elevate you to new levels. For more on Robin Sharma, go to THE 44 MASTER MOVES OF REMARKABLE ENTREPRENEURS By Robin Sharma 1. They get that the #1 way to build a global brand is one customer...

The visual message is just as important as the spoken message

Business, Human Resources, Personal Advice
Many times leaders forget that often their actions and what they don’t say are just as important when communicating with employees. Often times the unspoken messages are trusted more then the spoken words. Have you ever had someone tell you that you are doing a great job, but with a stern or blank expression on their face? It doesn’t really make you believe that you are doing a good job, does it? If the same leader were to greet you with a smile and shake your hand while complimenting your performance, it probably would mean something to you and is a lot more believable. Below is a link...

“Can you please teach us something new in sales?” “Ok, but what do you want to achieve on your sales calls?”

Business, Sales
I once had a sales rep respond, when we told them that we were investing in on-going education for them, “can you please teach us something new”? I am not sure what the team expected as an answer. Were they expecting some panacea, some hidden secret that will get them to success? Certainly there are a lot of people coming into a sales career, or who are struggling in the sales position, that a whole industry has arisen about “secrets to success”. The amount of literature on successful sales is enormous and people in sales should continue to hone their skills and knowledge through reading, seminars, and continuing...