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The Rules of Resignations

Human Resources
Usually, an employee’s resignation is clear and is not normally subject to interpretation.  It can be as simple as “I’ve decided to stay home for the next few years to take care of my family”, or simply “this job isn’t working for me”. In situations such as these, the conversation won’t likely leave room for ambiguity, however if this conversation is not followed by a written letter of resignation that is when the situation can get sticky! Employees normally give their employers written notice that they are quitting their jobs. “Notice” in this case is the amount of time between when the employee tells the employer in writing that...

Fall Checkups

Human Resources
It is fall. And that means kids are beginning a new school year and it’s (sadly) time to get ready for winter. While I have not been in school for many years, every year at this time I get a little nostalgic about the possibilities and optimism that is associated with starting a new school year: new experiences and classes, new teachers, and the opportunity to learn new things. I browse the Adult Education brochures that come in the mail to see if there are any courses that might spark a new interest or provide me with the knowledge that would allow me to enhance my skills. And...

Restrictive Covenants

Human Resources
On a regular basis, restrictive covenants in employment contracts are not upheld by courts as they are deemed to restrict the employee’s ability to make a living. Due to this, employers are forced to be more cautious about the restricted periods, and specifics of these covenants. In the recent case of Rhebergen v. Creston Veterinary Clinic Ltd, the employee signed an employment contract in which she agreed to pay a certain amount of money to her employer if she set up her own practice in the same town as the defendant, or within 25 miles of the defendant's premises, within the first 3 years of the termination of the...

Reasons why summer is so good for you

Human Resources
I don’t know about you, but every summer I have the impression that if I blink my eyes, summer will be gone! Don’t you love waking up to natural light rather than the darkness of winter? The smell of burning wood and marshmallows instead of the smell of the furnace after being switch off for the past two months. But sunny skies and rising temperatures do more than make our environment a pleasant place. They also provide some very significant benefits to our health. Here are some interesting facts as per the “Huffington Post Healthy Living” that will show you how this beautiful season can be so beneficial...

Generational Workplace Conflict – Is your Human Resources Program Prepared?

Human Resources
Human resources specialists suggest that workplace conflict is rising as younger generations enter the workforce. In the article, Identifying strategies to minimize workplace conflict due to generational differences, Deyoe and Fox’s research examines HR consulting literature to determine if there are current strategies regarding generational conflict within the workplace. Interestingly, Deyoe and Fox conclude there is “little evidence of proven strategies that companies are using to mitigate generational conflict” (p. 1). Their article suggests that many organizations currently employ up to four generations. It is estimated that there are 50 million employees from the Silent Generation still working; 85 million employees from the Baby Boomer Generation working; 50...

Human Resources Specialists Ask: Are Your Employees Really Sick?

Human Resources
Absenteeism is a very fast growing issue in today’s workplace and is a constant topic for human resources specialists and HR consulting firms. According to a study by the Conference Board of Canada, the average rate of absenteeism was 9.3 days in 2011, contributing to an estimated loss of $16.6 billion in payroll for Canadian employers, and a major strain on human resources programs. There are many ways to justify absence from work, including illness, family matters, emergencies… Unfortunately, some employees will abuse the company’s sick day policy and human resources program, with some of the following reasons: Calling in sick because they don’t feel like going to...

Drug & Alcohol Human Resources Program: Will it come to Your Defense?

Human Resources
Drug testing in Canada can be a sensitive matter. This is due to the fine line between substance abuse and addiction. Human rights legislation includes addiction under the protected category of disability while privacy laws ask the question: has the employer used the least intrusive method to gather necessary information? Having a drug and alcohol policy in place as part of your human resources program can often address these key areas and serve as a defense if a case arises. The key areas to include in your policy are as follows: The company’s commitment i.e. The Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. It...

Workplace Violence – Is Your Human Resources Program Prepared?

Human Resources
Everyone wants their workplace to be safe and free from violence.  But unfortunately the unthinkable sometimes does occur as two recent violent situations in Canadian organizations demonstrate.  Human resources specialists know that violence is possible almost anywhere humans interact.  This includes the workplace, which is often a busy and stressful place.  The majority of our time is spent coping with work-related or even personal-related stress alongside our coworkers.  What can we do to help protect our employees from violence? Workplace violence is often defined by HR consulting companies as follows: An act of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that can or does...

Office gossip

Human Resources
As human resources specialists, we know that office gossip can be damaging to a company. Gossip tends to be related to interpersonal relationships, and is often malicious in nature. It can get out of control quickly, and should be addressed promptly before it leads to harassment or bullying which can have serious negative outcomes in an organization.   All employers are required to take steps to eliminate, where possible, or otherwise minimize the risks to workers from bullying and harassment in the workplace through their human resources programs. WorkSafeBC has developed OHS policies to help workers, employers and supervisors prevent and address workplace bullying and harassment. Human resource...

The value of empowering your people to provide excellent customer service

Human Resources
It was just this week that I needed to return a pair of lifestyle sneakers that I had purchased a few weeks before. I bought these shoes in anticipation of a vacation away to Europe. A frequent traveler will know the value of having a decent pair of walking shoes! We took a weekend away in the mountains and I thought; what better time to start breaking in these shoes. So with the dog in the car, new shoes on my feet we began the one hour drive to a beautiful mountain village. You can imagine my surprise when we arrived and I noticed that my new (never...