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Top Three Tips when acquiring a Canadian Business

The many benefits of working with your PEO Canada team is that we have developed a network of professionals and experts in the field to connect you with when it comes to developing business here in Canada. One of those professionals is Andrea Henry, a Business & Tax Lawyer with Vox Law in Toronto. I got the opportunity to sit down with her and discuss her 3 Top Tips when acquiring a Canadian Business. 1 – Due diligence - This is of the utmost importance, particularly when you are acquiring a Canadian company. It is essential that everything is properly set up, that corporate documents & taxes are...

Building Referral Partner Networks and Increasing Sales

Building a strong referral partner network can boost sales and distinguish yourself in your community as a trusted source for client assistance.  It takes time, hard work, and focus to build in this area.  To help, I have provided three points to refer to as you look to build a network in your community. Appreciate your partner’s product or service – It is important to let your referral partner know just how much you cherish and appreciate their service and client base. You will want to showcase how your client base can utilize your partner’s service(s) and how essential it is for their growth.  Understand what it is...

Filling the Pipeline

In order to be successful in the big world of sales, it is essential to continually fill your pipeline with prospects so that you have fresh new leads in your territory. Here are some tips to help ensure you always have an exciting lead to follow up on. Google Alerts can help keep you in tune with the changing market place and in the know of how the climate is changing for your pool of prospects.  Have there been any changes with the decision makers?  Is there any opportunity for you to reach out and congratulate a contact that you have been in touch with?  The goal is...

Listening to a Prospect’s Needs and the Success of Closing a Sale

The most important tool that any good sales person utilizes is listening. Salespeople who talk instead of listen will not get the big picture. They will not understand their prospects needs and will never be able to properly close a sale. Instead of listening, often salespeople talk their way out of a sale because they are thinking about what they want to happen instead of listening to their prospect and getting a better idea of what they want to happen. Ask a question and then listen, if you are listening then follow up questions will let your prospect know that you understand their point. This will show that...

How to tackle Conferences

Well it’s that time of the year again … the annual big conference. Conferences can be a great way to network and meet new contacts that can help you grow your business. Ensuring that you are creating and executing a game plan is essential to making the best use of your time. Make sure to prepare yourself. Have a goal of how many people you want to meet and introduce yourself to. What do you want to get out of the introduction? Compile a list of questions that you would like to bring up during an intro. You could consider having a partner; it can make the experience...

The Power of Listening

By: Christina Ramalho Listening is one of the greatest tools that any Sales Person has. Think back to your school days. What did the teacher always tell you to do: “Listen, Stop Talking, and Pay Attention!” These golden nuggets of wisdom still apply today. When you are talking with a prospect, it’s best to let them talk. Find out as much as you can about this individual, what their business is, and how you could possibly ease some of the pain. The only way we can figure out what the pain is …. You got it … LISTEN! It seems very simple and it is! Sometimes, as we...

Human Resources Specialists Know the Benefits of Mentoring

Many human resources specialists understand the benefits of mentoring. Now many companies include mentoring as part of their human resources programs. Deciding to step up and Mentor a colleague has many advantages. The obvious benefit would be that of the Mentored.  Knowing that they have someone to turn to with their questions and observations but the advantages do not stop there.  With all that said, what is the value to the Mentor? Through many years of Mentoring, I can honestly say the benefits are numerous.  You learn so much more about your own craft through helping another develop their own.  As you review and research for another, you...

Over 4 $Billion is refunded each year in Government Tax Incentive Programs.

Are you getting your fair share?   Do scientific and technological advances help fuel your company’s competitiveness?  Wish there was a way you could get back some of the money you’ve invested in R&D and innovation? The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is a federal tax incentive program, administered by the Canada Revenue Agency, that encourages Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development in Canada that will lead to new, improved, or technologically advanced products or processes. The SR&ED program is the largest single source of federal government support for industrial R&D, providing over $5 billion in investment tax...

Human Resources Programs and Sales Teams Benefit From Volunteering

Whether it’s a charity event or donating your time to a worthwhile cause every week, there are major benefits for a sales person when working within their community. There are also numerous benefits to include volunteering in your human resources program. As a sales professional, you can create a favourable image for your company, make some key long term contacts, and most importantly you improve your own self, which enables you to have more confidence and do your job better. As human resources specialists, we also see the benefit of including an employee volunteer program into your human resources programs. HR consultants often work with companies to adjust...

Update Your Payroll System for New Legislation

  Putting off year end filing?   Is your payroll system ready for next year?  Do you feel confident with all the new legislation changes? ... We are! As Canadian and Alberta payroll specialists, we know all of the most recent legislation that will impact your year end filing. Below is a scaled down list of some of the many changes to be aware of when reporting your year end to the CRA, Revenue Québec & Service Canada. Our payroll software and payroll systems are up-to-date on legislation and best practices. This ensures that our organization’s current payroll system is always accurate. Our payroll service specialists also look ahead...