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Just another sales person…

The sales profession is perhaps the most misunderstood profession on the planet. Too many of these great people get the label that “he/she is just a sales person” as if being in sales is a bad thing. Yet, real professional sales people are the movers and shakers of all businesses and industry. Without them, the world economy eventually grinds to a halt. Why is that? Because, what makes a great sales professional is also what drives their spouses, friends, relatives and everyone else around them crazy. They are independent, passionate, focused, assertive, and confident. And they have one of the most difficult (yet not complex) jobs to do....

Are your sales people accountable?

There are a number of areas you can measure your sales people by. But one big measure is accountability. Do your sales people have a high level of accountability, to go along with a sense of responsibility? Are they out in the field doing what you both know are their responsibilities as sales professionals?  Do you have to chase them down for their activities? Do you have to continually prod and poke them to do what they are getting paid to do? If you cannot think of a right answer to these questions, it is probably time to have a discussion with them. Also, keep in mind; if...

Do you have the right sales person?

Your interviews are over and you have made the decision to bring a new sales person on board your team. There is a lot of excitement and energy on both sides. You think you have a real go-getter and someone who is going to knock the socks off everyone. They are excited to show you their ability to succeed. You walk them around the building, introducing your “new star” to everyone, beaming with pride on your new addition. They show a nervous energy that comes with a new position and assurance that they can succeed. They go through the training program you have in place, wowing their new...

Is Cold Calling Dead?

The bane of existence for most people when they think of getting into sales, “cold calling” is the thing that keeps many good people away from the profession of sales. The question almost everyone asks, “Do I have to do cold calling?”   As well, there is a wave of thought that believes the era of cold calling is dead. Networking is the way to get successful in sales. That is where you make all the big sales. I cannot deny that. Often the senior people will not accept cold calls and the only way to meet them, connect with them, and build a relationship with them, is...

Seven Essentials You Need To Know To Close The Deal

It is imperative that you know as much about a prospective client as possible before you present your solution and pricing to them. Please find below a list of seven key questions you should know the answers to before you present your solution to them.   1. What is the Client’s problem or issue? Most times the client is aware of his or her issues but wants to make sure that you are aware of them. By doing this you are gaining credibility, proving that you are in fact listening. If you do not know why they are talking to you, chances are you will not find a...

Getting Your Sales Team Motivated

“Getting Your Sales Team Motivated” by Bill Leesman   Everyone wants to know “how do I motivate my sales team”?   The better question is can you?   My response is no.  Yes, you can micro-manage, push and bully your team to complete the steps necessary to meet your work expectations, but these methods will not create long term success.  Eventually your most entrepreneurial Sales people will look for greener pastures and you will be left with a rotating door of junior people looking to get their foot in the sales door.   So, what are you to do?  Two words – inspiration and opportunity.   First, inspiration....