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Halloween Safety

Health and Wellness, Personal Advice
Halloween is that magical time of year when children get to dress up in wonderful and outrageous costumes as they gather a bag full of treats. Halloween is really for children and children should ideally participate in all aspects of Halloween from helping to decorate the house to helping pick their costumes. Costume Safety Coming up with a creative disguise doesn't mean that safety needs to be forgotten, so here are some safety tips to keep in mind. • October 31 can be a chilly night so make sure that costumes are loose enough to be worn over warm clothing but not so baggy or long that trick...

Down Time – Much needed!

Benefits, Health and Wellness
Easy ways to get real down time Taking a break from our daily routine is important for our well-being. But if you’re using time off work to catch up on chores, you’re probably returning to work as tired as you left. Here’s how to give yourself a real break — even if you only have a few hours. The whole point of taking a vacation is to relax, unwind, and enjoy the things that give us pleasure. In fact, the word “vacation” comes from a Latin word that means “idle” or “to have free time.” But with your hectic lifestyle, vacation time may seem like the only opportunity...

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Health and Wellness
We still have half of our summer to go, and they’re predicting warmer and dryer weather than we’ve experienced this past June and July. While drinking plenty of water when we’re out in the sun to help stay cool and prevent sun stroke is a good idea, its only one of many. Water is a constant part of our lives whether we’re aware of it or not. We’re made up of roughly 70% water. So we need to ensure we’re drinking enough every day to keep our body healthy. Examples of how our body uses water: • Keeping our body temperature healthy • Improving digestion • Transporting nutrients...

Yard Cleaning and Outdoor Safety

Health and Wellness
When warmer temperatures arrive, your yard and garage can look pretty neglected from the winter season. People tend to get spring fever; they want to get out there and get it done – but not so fast. Before beginning let’s take a few precautions... Wear appropriate clothing, tightly woven to protect from sun, and long pants. Don’t forget the sunscreen for your exposed skin. Add closed-toe shoes with non-slip soles, grab a hat, gloves and have your earplugs and safety goggles ready at hand. Okay. NOW you are ready. Be Aware… Keep floors, entryways and landings free of clutter to prevent trips and fire hazards. Bend at the...

Distracted Driving Laws in Canada

Health and Wellness
According to the CCMTA’s Distracted Driving Subcommittee, “Distracted driving is the diversion of attention from driving, as a result of the driver focusing on a non-driving object, activity, event or person. This diversion reduces awareness, decision-making or performance leading to increased risk of driver error, near-crashes or crashes. The diversion of attention is not attributable to a medical condition, alcohol/drug use and/or fatigue.” There are various possible driver distractions, including: using electronic devices such as (global positioning system) GPS systems, CD and DVD players, radios, cell phones, laptops, (personal digital assistant) PDAs and MP3 players; reading maps, directions or other material; grooming (e.g. combing hair, putting on make-up...

Impaired Walking?

Health and Wellness
You hear the message “Don’t drink and drive” all the time, but how about “Don’t drink and walk”?   In 2008, nearly 40 per cent of pedestrians killed on Canadian roads were impaired, with two-thirds of them having a blood alcohol concentration more than double the legal limit. In fact, of all the fatally injured pedestrians with alcohol in their systems, fewer than one in five was at or below the legal driving limit of 0.08 blood alcohol concentration (BAC), according to the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators* (CCMTA).   These statistics may actually underestimate the problem of impaired pedestrian fatalities since many fatally injured pedestrians aren’t...

10 Myths and Home Remedies

Health and Wellness
A lot of home remedies and tips are passed on from person to person. These first aid emergencies often occur on home turf and many people use around-the-house remedies as quick cures – but can you really trust these tricks?Finger on Ice: Severing a finger while slicing vegetables or chopping wood is more common than anyone wants to believe. If you have severed a body part, such as a finger or a toe, many people assume the best way to preserve it is by packing it in a cooler on ice. Instead, wrap the severed appendage in damp gauze, place it in a water-tight bag, and head to...

Tips on Vaccinations and Diseases for International Travellers

Benefits, Health and Wellness
Thinking of taking a trip sometime soon? We all want to get away and experience new things; however, getting ill while away is not anyone’s objective. There are some simple things that we can look into to help avoid any health issues while away from home. A great article on this can be found at the following link: Another great resource is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention travel information link. This has a wealth of information for anyone traveling to exotic or other international destinations. Have fun but travel illness-free by being wise and informed.

Facts about Back Pain

Health and Wellness
While most of us may experience occasional aches and pains, for some, back pain can be more than a minor annoyance. Lifting objects incorrectly, no matter how little they weigh, can make it that much worse. Likewise, sitting in the same position day in and day out, without giving your back muscles a chance to move and stretch, can lead to problems. Here are some fact about back pain and injuries: 1. Up to 80% of adults will experience back pain 2. When lifting heavy objects, the best way to prevent back injury is to: Keep the natural curve of your back; Tighten your abdominal muscles; and Avoid...

10 Tips for Lifting Safely

Health and Wellness
I am guessing that when you go to lift a box or a piece of furniture you just automatically lift it without thinking. Have you ever gone to lift something thinking it was light but as you lift it realize it’s much heavier than you thought? And have you ever stacked boxes that end up being too heavy but you carry them anyways so the job will get done quicker? You may or may not know this but there are right and wrong ways to lift a load. When you lift items incorrectly, no matter how much they weigh, you can cause serious strain and injuries to your...