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When is it Time to give up on a Lead?

The ongoing debate on every sales consultant’s mind: “when is it time to finally throw in the towel and give up on a lead?” Is there such a thing?? Does that mean we are defeated? Isn’t it all just a numbers game???? Every Sales consultant at the core should be a competitive person. It’s the only way to really not get discouraged and take every new lead as a challenge, a challenge to win the person over and feel comfortable enough to talk openly with you. But how long should this process take and at what point are we turning a lead into a dead end. These are...

Exciting Benefits Changes!

I’m so happy to get the chance to tell you about some recent changes within our benefits!! Since the invention of insurance heath care coverage we have had 2 different statuses that you could enroll under, Single or Family. We are pleased to announce that we have introduced the new Plus1 coverage. Plus1 coverage enables a couple or a single parent with one dependent to enroll in the same level of coverage they have experienced in the family status but with significant savings to the premiums. This could amount to 35-45% reduction in premiums for a simple change in category! In our own business it resulted to 38%...

The Importance of Referral Business

While daily cold calls and sourcing out new business is essential to every Sales Person, you can never under estimate the power of Referral Business. There is great power attached to it. No matter how big or small a business or corporation is; Referral Business is the key to maintaining meaningful relationships in the Business World. It all starts with reaching out to like- minded companies, who have the ideals, goals, and customer oriented structures as your own. By reaching out to these companies, you are showing potential customers the type of business you are involved with. It helps to establish trust, which goes a long way. If...

Salary Increase vs. a Benefit Plan?

This question comes up more often than not when dealing with new clients. There is a perception out there that it is better to offer an increase in salary then provide an employee with a comprehensive benefits plan. Most Canadians enrolled in a Health & Wellness plan continue to think highly of their health benefits, although not as strongly as in previous years. When offered a choice between their benefits and up to $15,000 in cash, respondents prefer to keep their benefits, with age being a major determinant. Group Benefit plans allow employers to reward their employees by providing them with a form of compensation that, in most...

Dear Human Resources……

Often, the HR responsibilities of a startup company are so overwhelming that they can keep the business from successfully getting off the ground and being competitive right out of the starting gate. Why should a business owner waste time and talent getting involved in human-resources issues when there is often a simple solution right around the corner? A PEO can make life a lot easier for startup business owners and their HR needs. Although they are sometimes confused with staffing agencies, payroll administration companies or temp firms, PEOs are different in that they typically provide a comprehensive collection of HR services to the companies they serve, from employee...

The experience of a new sales accountant

Upon accepting a new job offer to be a sales accountant, the realization of what exactly I will be doing sets in. I am going to be calling companies who might not be willing to have a conversation with me. I could even be calling individuals who are annoyed that I exist. Fear is defiantly beginning to kick in a bit. So what should I do??? It is time to thicken up that skin, put my game face on, and get out there and make a sale! But how does one overcome those insecure feelings of not being received upon a cold call? How does one get over...

Why would I need a PEO?

Spending too much time on your employee-related tasks and not enough time on revenue-generating duties could be hurting your business more than you think. With a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), an outsourced HR service, you can turn over many of your business’s time-consuming HR tasks to a dedicated team of HR specialists, so that you can focus on your more profitable responsibilities. Moreover, when you sign on with a PEO, much of the risk and responsibility of employee administration and government compliance is transferred to the PEO. Here are five ways a PEO can help resolve some of your most frustrating HR struggles. 1. Offer more comprehensive benefits...

The 3 B’s to sales success.

Believe in yourself. By having self confidence you can achieve any goal you set for yourself. Think to yourself: "Why not me?" If others are successful at achieving success, why shouldn't you be able to achieve your goals as well. If you don't believe you are capable, no one else will! When selling a product, you are automatically attached to it. Your Pride and confidence will transfer to the client. Believe in your product. Knowing that your product is great, well that's a huge factor in being successful. Remind yourself that your are helping your clients' business grow and prosper. Believe that your product is what the client...

What’s the Benefit of Benefits?

With the ever increasing competition in the workforce marketplace, employer’s find themselves having to stretch to attract and retain great people. Traditionally, small to mid-size businesses haven’t offered a full benefits and RRSP plan to their employees due to the cost involved, but more and more companies are recognizing the need to offer these programs to be able to hire and maintain great people. With 97.8% of all businesses registered in Canada having less than 50 employees, and 75% of those having less than 5 employees, there is an extremely large portion of the Canadian workforce finding themselves without a benefit or retirement plan. With increasing population and...

Why does everyone seem to think sales are so complex today?

Today there are a lot of discussions on how complex the sales process is today and how sales people have to change the sales process. I would argue that the sales process in and of itself is not anymore complex than it was 10, 15, or twenty years ago. It is still a simple process of: • Identifying prospects • Connecting with those prospects • Working with the prospect to identify needs and potential connecting points • Presenting viable and mutually beneficial solutions • Confirming with the prospect that you both agree to move forward • Following up with the now client to ensure you are meeting their...