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The Importance of Mental Health

Personal Advice
Did you know that, in any given year, 1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness?  According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, by age 40, about 50% of the population will have, or have had, a mental illness. When thinking about being healthy, most people will take into consideration factors such as the food they eat and their workout routine, but physical health is only one piece of the puzzle.  It is important to consider your mental health as well.  The term “Mental Health” does not only relate to people with an anxiety disorder or clinical depression, for example.  Its...

Spring Saving

Personal Advice
Some of us are great at saving, and some of us need to set up an environment that makes it happen without needing to constantly manage our self-control, or repeatedly initiate actions that we’d rather not concern ourselves with. Know the tools that are available to you!  If you are not the sort of person who enjoys reviewing budgets and transferring money around, speak to your employer or payroll provider about whether you have the option to make contributions to a savings account direct from your payroll. A savings account attached to your chequing may be convenient, however it’s taxing on willpower when it’s so easy to withdraw...

It’s the Little Things: 10 Easy Ways to Say “Thank You”

Personal Advice
When an employee feels appreciated they are more likely to have a vested interest in the company’s success and are more willing and motivated to perform to levels that exceed their responsibilities. Too often we forget to thank our teams for their hard work and this can lead to feelings of underappreciation. Did you know? “Praise and commendation from managers was rated the top motivator for performance, beating out other noncash and financial incentives, by a majority of workers (67%). 69% say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized. 78% said being recognized motivates them in their job. When managers recognize their employees’...

Win-Win Employee Negotiations

Personal Advice
Negotiating an employment contract can be a difficult and uncomfortable task for both the employee and employer. It is human nature that negotiations are typically interpreted as win-lose scenarios. Why can’t negotiations be interpreted as win-win; and what is a win-win negotiation? A win-win negotiation is when both the employee and employer make adjustments to the employment contract that allows both parties to achieve a mutually agreeable and beneficial result.   Win-Win Employee Negotiations: Establish financial boundaries: As the employer, establish a range to negotiate within, be open to making small adjustments. Set and communicate expectations: As the employer, communicate aspects of the job and compensation that are...

Tax Tips: Seven Ways Your Family Can Save at Tax Time in 2017

Personal Advice
With the current economy, raising a family can be a challenge. However, there are many benefits, credits, and deductions that can help your family with costs during the year. These could save your family hundreds of dollars and lower the amount you owe at tax time. The biggest key is to file on time if you wish to take advantage of these credits. Child care expenses: If you pay child care so that you can go to work or school, you may be able to claim those expenses on your tax return. Claiming child care expenses may reduce the amount of tax you have to pay. You, your...

It’s Time for a Spring Clean, Let’s Move Those Prospects Along!!!

Personal Advice
Out with the old and in with the new, that’s the motto for spring. Why not apply that to your growing list of prospects. This is the time of year for everyone to re-organize so it’s a great time to take another look and ensure that old prospects that haven’t been moving forward are out of the cycle. Take that focus and put your energy towards prospects that have a potential to close. Potential clients are also looking to focus on what needs to be changed or re-arranged in their procedures and policies. What a great time of year to connect and review how you can assist with...

‘Tis the season… for security awareness

Personal Advice
We are approaching some busy shopping seasons over the next couple of months here, this also means there will be an increase in SPAM, Malware, Scams and Hacks etc. So here are a few tips to help you navigate the digital world this season. Ensure your security software is up to date This mainly means your virus scan, there are however many additional security software options such as firewalls, ad blockers, malware detectors etc. If you do use those additional security options you will want to ensure they are kept up to date.  For this article, however, we are going to focus on the base protection for most...

Top Things Families Should Know About Taxes

Personal Advice
Is your family ready for tax season?  Are you aware of all the benefits, credits and deductions that have been created to help you and your family? The Canada Revenue Agency has compiled a list of many of the credits and deductions you and your family can and should take advantage of!  Read more about them here. Be sure to check out our article on filing your taxes online for free!

RRSP Season is around the corner – Are you ready?

Personal Advice
With the start of another year, Canadians will begin preparing for filing their annual income taxes. As you wait for your employer to issue your T4 slip, you will also begin receiving your RRSP contribution tax receipts, for the period ending December 31, 2014. Did you make all of the RRSP contributions in 2014 that you had hoped to? Did you run out of time before starting your contributions, despite your best intentions? Take comfort in knowing – it’s not too late! Any contributions made within the first 60 days of 2015 are eligible to be claimed on your 2014 tax return – this is great news! You...

To Behave or Not to Behave…

Personal Advice
The company Christmas party: this is usually the place where you get to see some of your colleagues alter egos come out. The shy become social. The friendly become friendlier and the outgoing, well they can just…get very ugly! Christmas parties can be a well-earned chance to let off some steam but there is risk of them turning into alcohol-fuelled obstacle courses, full of career-threatening moments. While the Christmas party can create worries for both employer and employee, it is an event where you can still behave professionally and have fun. They provide a great opportunity to socialize with co-workers and bosses, within your company whom you may...