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Is Cold Calling Dead?

Business, Personal Advice, Sales
“Cold Calling”, or reaching out to a potential customer with no prior interaction, can be one of the most daunting aspects of sales. So much so that it often keeps good people away from the profession! The question almost everyone asks when diving into a sales role is “Do I have to do cold calling?” There is a wave of thought that believes the era of cold calling is dead. Networking seems to be the way to become successful in sales, as this is where all the big deals take place. Senior-level contacts will often not accept cold calls, and the only way to meet them, connect, and...

Taking A Second Look At Co-Employment

American companies expanding into Canada may initially believe that co-employment, or employer of record-type services, may be their best option. However, there are multiple advantages to managing your employees under your own Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number. Co-employment can blur the lines in an employer–employee relationship. In Canada, whoever directs the day to day activities of the employee is deemed to be the true employer of record. When embarking on a co-employment relationship with employees, you may be subject to higher fees for Workers Compensation (WCB). Your premiums will be based on the industry classification of the co-employer, as all employees are pooled together. The rates will...

Customer Service – Not Just For Customers!

Providing exceptional customer service plays a large role in gaining satisfied and loyal clients. But did you know that applying these skills internally can often result in a satisfied and loyal workforce? The concept of Internal Customer Service may seem like common sense, but sometimes the hustle and bustle of a busy day gets the better of us, and can lead to missed deadlines or unanswered emails. Here are some reminders to ensure your internal customers are getting the same exceptional treatment as your external customers: Being present in their presence: When attending a meeting with a client, you would never think to scroll through your Twitter feed,...

How to Close a Sale and Keep Your Client Base Strong

So you have made the sale, how do you ensure you keep the client?  The key is in the customer service and keeping up with consistent points of contact.  Too many transitions and introductions over time make the client feel like they are not important. Some points below can help you keep that client and continue to grow your client base! Get to know your support team. When a potential client can sense a genuine respect between team members, it gives them the confidence and you can close your sale! Why not pull in some key support team members during your first round of discovery meetings? This provides...

Take a second look at Co-Employment Relationships

American companies expanding into Canada may initially believe that Co-Employment or Employee Leasing may be their best option, but there are multiple advantages to managing your employees under your own Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) payroll number. Co-employment can blur the lines in the employer –employee relationship.  In Canada, whoever directs the day to day activities of the employee is deemed to be the employer of record.   When embarking on a Co-Employment Relationship with employees, usually you are subject to higher fees for Workers Compensation (WCB).  Your premiums will be based on the industry classification of the co-employer, that’s because all employees are pooled together.  The rates will be...

Human Resource Outsourcing; Indicators That You Are Ready to Take the Step

If you are Business Owner that is well past the start-up stage and your business is growing, you may be ready to take the step towards HR outsourcing. It is an exciting time when your client base increases and the steady stream of new projects are coming in. Of course, now you are hiring additional staff to meet the increasing demands but somehow the excitement of growing your business is being replaced by a new kind of stress: trying to be two places at once. The multi-tasking can be exhausting along with the attempts to be all things to all people. Do you feel like you are able...

A Fool Proof Plan for Outsourcing your Payroll, HR, WCB and Benefits Administration in the New Year

Approaching the end of October, many are planning for the New Year. What decisions need to be made before on boarding with a full service employee management solution? Here are some tips to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. While you want to be in compliance with labour and Canadian Revenue Agency legislation, it is important to choose a service firm that is able to be consistent with the values and culture of your organization. When onboarding you will need to provide supporting documentation for your Canada Revenue Agency Account (along with Quebec Rev if applicable) & Worker’s Compensation account (Along with CSST if applicable). It is a...

Why Outsourcing Makes Sense

It’s mid-summer and fall is just around the corner. Many small businesses are beginning to think about their strategy for the New Year. It’s not that far off, and it’s a good idea to begin planning for it now. Where would you like to see your business go and what is the best way for you to get there? Take a look at your internal processes and see what is working efficiently and what is not. It may be a good time to explore outsourcing some of those processes that are not efficient. If you have employees who wear many hats, as many small businesses do, it may...

Making that Third Quarter Count, How to Get Closer to Your Year End Goals

“Where are you at today for annual set goals?”  This is a great question to ask yourself in order to set the plan in motion for the third quarter.  What will be some of the challenges heading into the third quarter? Finally, you will need to find creative ways to not get distracted by people taking vacations and encouraging these key prospects to speak with you. As you sit down and review your targets don’t forget about the most important aspect, how will you be able to execute? What plan do you have in motion to move you closer to your goals, execute and close your sale? People...

Why Outsourcing Human Resource Services during the Economic Downturn Makes Sense

The current economic climate is affecting us all.  Here are some great reasons to think about outsourcing Human Resource services, right now: Focus on Your Core Business Many companies have reduced their staff to reduce costs. Downsizing means that those remaining employees must share more responsibilities, which can help to create efficiencies but can also generate pressure on those who remain. Outsourcing a business’s administrative Human Resource functions can alleviate some of this pressure and free up resources so they can focus on growing your business when the economy turns around. Continuity of Human Resource Functions Outsourcing HR services enables a lean organization to continue to utilize the expertise...