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PEO Canada’s Commitment to Continuity of Services amid COVID-19

Health and Wellness
The World Health Organization (WHO) has now characterized the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic. This is not just a public health crisis but a serious situation that will touch every sector, business, and organization on both employment and financial levels. Following the recommendations of both the Federal and Provincial Governments, we have transitioned our employees to their remote work locations. PEO Canada has put policies in place to minimize interruptions to our business while we operate in our building, keeping the health and well-being of our staff a top priority. The continued commitment to our shared business continuity with minimal disruptions remains our ultimate goal.  To achieve...

National Day of Mourning (April 28th)

Health and Wellness
April 28th is recognized as the Day of Mourning and was established in 1984 by the Canadian Labour Congress. It is a day to remember those who have been killed or injured as a result of a work-related incident or occupational disease. It also serves as a reminder for workplaces to continue to support healthy and safe work practices throughout the year. This day is not only recognized across Canada, but in over 100 countries worldwide. Thousands of workers have suffered an illness, been injured, or even killed as a result of a work-related event. Due to these tragedies, many families and friends have been severely affected. This...

Effective Ways to Boost Employee Morale

Health and Wellness
Low morale can be a concern because it means that your workforce may not just be unhappy, but it also means employees are unlikely to be performing to their best capability. Some indications of low morale may include; low productivity, high turnover, and increased inter-personal conflicts. These are factors that could negatively affect highly skilled and engaged employees, which can be detrimental to the overall bottom-line of the organization. Even the most mundane of jobs can be appealing to people, if the systems and environment are set up to be inspiring. The highest levels of profitability and productivity come when there is high morale in the workplace.  High...

The fine line of “Use it or Lose it” when it comes to your Group Benefits Plan

Health and Wellness
This time of year, we are receiving notices from our dentist, optometrists, and other healthcare providers reminding us that our benefits plan will renew in January.  They advise us that since we are paying for our benefits, we should maximize our usage to ensure nothing is left over as the funds will not carry over into the New Year.  They say “use it or lose it”; however, there are a few things you should be aware of with this way of thinking. If you pay a premium towards your benefits plan it makes sense that you would want to get your money’s worth out of your benefits.  You...

What is an EFAP or EAP?

Health and Wellness
EFAP (Employee and Family Assistance Program) or EAP (Employee Assistance Program) are generally provided in conjunction with your employee benefits package.  They are confidential services that you or your family members are able to connect with at any time to discuss a wide variety of personal, family, or work related issues that you may be struggling with. There are many different topics that these programs can assist with; a few include: Work/Life Balance and other workplace challenges Weight Management and Nutrition Addiction Issues Financial Guidance Relationship Issues and Parenting   Most EFAP providers no longer require you to place a phone call to start receiving support.  Many have...

The Cannabis Act and Benefits Plans

Health and Wellness
With the Cannabis Act coming into force on October 17th, 2018, many insurers are in the process of determining how to best fit medical marijuana into current plan offerings.  To be eligible for reimbursement under a group benefits plan, a drug must have a Drug Identification Number (DIN). Currently, marijuana is not an approved drug in Canada and does not have a DIN, so this poses a challenge to insurers. While it isn’t currently considered an eligible expense under the extended healthcare plan, it is an acceptable expense for a healthcare spending account (HSA), as the guidelines for HSA expenses are provided by the Canada Revenue Agency. Your...

A New Evolution in the Workforce is Starting

Health and Wellness
Baby boomers are approaching retirement age, but concerns are high among many employees about being financially ready to retire. This is causing some to decide that they want or even need to keep working. Many organizations are using this as an opportunity to re-think traditional retirements  by transitioning older workers from the “structured work” environment to a more “flexible and relaxed” work environment. Many employees are not ready to retire completely but would rather ease into retirement. This can help organizations who might be facing skill shortages and extends the time frame to transfer the valuable knowledge and plan for succession. Employees can also win in this scenario...

Has an Employee reported OR have you become aware of a workplace injury/incident?

Health and Wellness
As an employer, do you know what your responsibilities are when a workplace injury occurs?   Provide or assist your worker with seeking medical attention Provide any required first aid treatment at the scene Send your worker for necessary and immediate medical attention As an Employer you are responsible to arrange transportation and pay any costs, if applicable, for transportation (ambulance fees, taxi fare, etc.)   Keep a record Record the details of the injury/incident. The records must include: Name of worker Date and time of injury/incident Date, time, and name of who it was reported to A description of the injury A description of the incident, where...

Make Yourself a Priority

Health and Wellness
Getting caught up in the routine of life’s demands and the stress of meeting expectations means we tend to forget about ourselves.  By putting yourself last, you could feel drained, exhausted, impatient, rushed, stressed, and tend not to live in the present moment.  We're always anticipating the future, (the “to do” list, the constant upcoming thoughts) while simultaneously thinking about the past. Instead of BEING human, we have become a more automated version of DOING human. Taking care of YOU first and foremost is essential to fulfill your day.  It provides the necessary energy and the power to take care of everything to the best of your ability.  When you don’t focus on yourself first, you get out...

British Columbia to introduce Employer Health Tax to replace Provincial Health Premiums

Health and Wellness
In British Columbia (BC) public health insurance is called the Medical Services Plan – or MSP.  Residents of BC are required to enrol in the Medical Services Plan and contribute premium towards the costs of the health care system.  MSP covers the cost of medically-necessary hospital and physician services. BC is the only province left in Canada which requires residents to pay a monthly premium for provincial healthcare coverage. The MSP premiums are complex and expensive for businesses and the government to administer. As such, the BC Government is planning to eliminate MSP premiums as of January 1st, 2020. To make up for the lost revenues, the province...