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The Value of Value Selling

You have a fantastic product, or maybe you provide an amazing service, and you know that what you have to offer could help so many people. There is just one problem: how do you get others to see that? It may seem logical to focus on how great your product or service is. Surely if you tell people about all the great perks and features, people will see the value of your product and sales will skyrocket, right?  The problem with this approach is that is focuses on you and your business. Your focus should instead be on your prospect and their needs. Let’s imagine that your product...

Making that Fourth Quarter Count; How to get Closer to your Year End Goals

Business, Sales
 “Where are you at today for annual set goals?”  A question to ask yourself in order to set the plan in motion for the fourth quarter.  What will be some of the challenges heading into the fourth quarter? Finally, you will need to find creative ways to not get distracted by people taking vacations and encouraging these key prospects to speak with you. As you sit down and review your targets don’t forget about the most important aspect, how will you be able to execute?  What plan do you have in motion to move you closer to your goals, execute and close your sale? People can get lost...

Why to Choose Outsourcing Core-Competencies

Business, Sales
As a business grows, so do the requirements of a business and its employees. Outsourcing these needs are beneficial as it allows a business to set focus on future growth, development, and goals. Some may be hesitant to outsource what would typically be considered “in-house” responsibilities but the first step when choosing to outsource these needs is to find a quality provider. Research any potential partners, look for how long they have been in their practice and whether they are willing to give client references. Both of these methods are great ways to find out if a potential partner is knowledgeable, open, and professional. Once an organization has...

Following Up With Clients

Onboarding clients is a unique process. It can be simple but more often than not, you may have to put serious effort into it, no matter what industry you are in. Some would think that after a contract is signed, the job is done and you can move on to the next prospective client. However, your relationship with the client shouldn’t end after the onboarding process is complete. It’s important to follow-up with your clients and continue a working relationship with them. This provides many benefits for them and your company. You want to show your client that your goal is to help them achieve their business needs....

Customer Service Etiquette

Personal Advice, Sales
Customer service etiquette is one of the most fundamental aspects of any business. Doing it well defines how successful a company will be in the future. This applies to any and all industries, from entry-level to professional, especially in sales. While it might seem easy to always be cordial while speaking to customers, it can become easy to forgot to do so when problems arise between your team and a client. Below are a few tips and tricks to ensure your employees are on top of their customer service game: Smile: First impressions are the foundation of the tone of a conversation. Customers will be more at ease...

Understanding Service Needs Before Providing Solutions

Business, Sales
It’s time to present your service solution and pricing to a prospect! It is a very exciting part of a sales cycle, but before you present slow down and ask yourself: do you understand your prospect? Does your potential future client feel that you do know exactly what they are looking for? It is key to go through a check list internally to ensure you are presenting the appropriate solution. You should know the answers to the following questions before getting ready to close the deal: What is the prospect’s problem or issue? Often, the prospect is aware of their own issues, but wants to make sure that...

Is Cold Calling Dead?

Business, Personal Advice, Sales
“Cold Calling”, or reaching out to a potential customer with no prior interaction, can be one of the most daunting aspects of sales. So much so that it often keeps good people away from the profession! The question almost everyone asks when diving into a sales role is “Do I have to do cold calling?” There is a wave of thought that believes the era of cold calling is dead. Networking seems to be the way to become successful in sales, as this is where all the big deals take place. Senior-level contacts will often not accept cold calls, and the only way to meet them, connect, and...

Embedding a Deep Understanding of Prospective Clients

It’s all about setting goals and achieving them, but how do you ensure success once you have found or connected with your prospect?  How can you get your sales to the next level?  This process has two simple steps that are essential. The first step would be to maximize your discovery call by zeroing in on their needs; this helps to spark a willingness to speak.  Instead of over pitching, listen.   Once need is established, ask upfront questions about buying ability.  For example, you could ask “What is the time frame to purchase, and who needs to be involved in the decision making process?” and “When are you...

To proceed or not to proceed? That is the question!

So we have all “been there”, a prospective client that can really use your assistance but they are unwilling to go through the process you require as their Sales Rep. It’s important to realize that a prospect’s opposition to the process doesn’t reflect badly on how they will be as a client. For whatever reason, their interest in your sales process has waned. The majority of the time, their attention, is being pulled elsewhere within their organization.  It’s important to keep your prospect’s attention to the future by reviewing again how you can support their current need and then  bring them slowly back to the next stage of...

So you are getting push back on cost…

For some, they just get it right away.  For others, they must go through all the options and then weigh the pros and cons. It really is just part of their process to feel confident regarding the value. Respect the fact that your prospective client wants to review and engage. You might want to ask yourself whether you have listened. Does anything sound familiar? For example, are you recognizing some pain points that your existing clients initially came to you with? Ask yourself, have I been given adequate time to gather this information?  Finally and most importantly, have you even asked the very basic and simple question: “How...